Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Whack MAC!...

I found myself at my sons barber shop on Friday and in comes the man with the “black bag”..  Now some of you know about the barber shop hustle, ya know the dudes who come to the shop with a duffel bag filled with goodies?  One never knows what’s in the bag until they open the bag… the bags are usually filled with all sorts of goodies at a dirt cheap price…  I have purchased sterling silver, clothes, toiletries, and most recently I purchased 3 MAC eye shadows.  When dude offered to give sell me 3 for $20.00 I had to jump on it…  now before I purchased them I asked dude if this was the “real deal”, I told him that I didn’t want some MAC from Korea that he purchased in bulk from EBay…  dude thought my comment was funny…  I soon found out why he thought my comment was funny!  lol

 I was happy with my purchases, so I take them home and I immediately open them so I could swatch the colors on the back of my hand…   there were no noticeable differences with the shadows in regards to pigment or texture…  but what stuck out was the compact or the pan/pot whateva,  that the colors were housed in...  Now I own a lot of MAC shadows, most of them are in palettes but I have several in individual pots, pans or whatever the hell they are called.   I haven’t purchased any MAC shadows in a long time so I assumed that these new pots were simply MAC’s new way of packing the shadows…  so I open them up and suddenly the pot opens from the bottom and low and behold there’s a cheesy little applicator sponge in the bottom of the pot…  OK, that was first sign that something was OFF…    MAC and an applicator sponge don’t go together!  I immediately get up and grab my other shadows and none of the pots were like the pots that I purchased...   Then I attempted to open the top of the pot that houses the shadow and I nearly broke a fingernail trying to pry the damn thing open…  I final got it open and I tested the colors on the back of my hand and I must say that overall I was satisfied with the shadows…  

 At First Sight They ALL Look The Same, RIGHT?

So I go about my business and the next day I used the silver to create a Smokey eye… and I was pleased with the outcome.   So no big deal, I just figured that MAC had to make some changes to the packaging…   Boy was I wrong…  Monday I ended up in a MAC store to purchase some paint pots and lip liners and I just happened to ask the consultant about the shadows, and he gave me the break down on the pseudo MAC products that find their way into neighborhood barber shops, and hair and nail salons… apparently this is a huge problem for MAC consultants and MAC is all too aware of the street hustle… needless to say I won’t be purchasing anymore MAC from the street corner, cuz it's nothing but some fake me out eyeshadow made to look like MAC that is most likely purchased in bulk from Ebay!  

Moral of the story:  you get what you pay for!  

 Notice The Difference Now?  The ones on the left are the REAL DEAL...  The ones on the right are the imposters!

Buyers beware… you have been informed.

1 comment:

  1. Well I suppose if there is no difference in the colors or anything noticeable in the quality then it shouldnt really matter. With MAC the only thing you are really paying for is the name and not the actual product.
