Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Eyebrow Awesomeness…

Hola Makeup Mavens! I know it’s been awhile since I hit you with my tales of makeup bliss but a girl has to work, and go to school, and of the course the biggest and most rewarding job is to raise “the boy”!  But never fear I’m here to hit you with another fabulous find…  

But first, let me pose a question or 2 or 3…  lol

Have you ever looked at a YouTube video and thought to yourself:  Dammit, I won’t eyebrows like that?

Have you ever looked at your eyebrows and said: Dammit, I need to let me eyebrows grow in so that I can achieve my desired eyebrow?

Hell, have you ever looked in the mirror and said:  Dammit, I ain’t got NO eyebrows?!?!?

What’s a makeup maven to do?
Well, I’m here to tell you what to do…  

1st off you can Google “eyebrow stencils” and shop till your heart stops!  lol  or you can go to your local Sally’s and purchase a set of Ardell eyebrow stencils…  and if you are an E.L.F. fan you can always purchase a set of stencils at the E.L.F. website for all of $1.00!  Yes, you read that right --- one whole dollar…

These things are creative genius… and I am hooked, and I must admit I’m on a mission to purchase more defined stencils…  whodathunk that eyebrow stencils exist?  I sure as hell didn’t know there was such a  thing…  call me slow but when I saw them on the E.L.F. website I got all giddy and immediately ordered them and I patiently waited…  and boy did I wait (that E.L.F. takes forever to drop off their goodies)…

So, I received my stencils at work, and boy was I excited…  I came close to leaving work early just to play with them, and suddenly I realized that I cannot, I will not, lose my job because I want to go home and draw on eyebrows!  Who does that?  ME, I tell ya… I DO THAT!   But I woke up and decided I would patiently wait until 5pm ---- did I mention that the box was sitting on my desk at 9am?  

Any who, I opened the package and there they were…  my eyebrow stencils…  4 perfectly shaped brows!  My eyebrows as I know them will never be the same again…  Now I’m excited, elated, over joyed and in comes my coworker professional makeup artist extraordinaire and she says and I quote “Girl I got tons of those at home”…  Can I just say that I wanted to kill her!  lol  but seriously she’s my girl, whenever Ms. GiGi tells me that I did a good job on my eyes, I feel like I’ve accomplished something, cuz this girl GOT SKILLS…

Moving right along…  so, I get home and I immediately wash my chocolate brown smokey eye and I start to play with my stencils.  All I can say is this, if you are eyebrow challenged or you are simply looking for  a different shape, eyebrow stencils are the way to go!

Now, I’m not going to endorse any one product because I can only speak for E.L.F., but I will say this, so far so good…  out of the four shapes that came with the kit I found 2 that work for me…  I tried various methods for drawing in the stencil.  I tried my angled flat liner brush, I tried a sponge smudge brush and I tried a very old angled brush that was once flat but is now very full… I must admit the older brush worked for the fuller shapes and the flat angled brush worked well for the thinner shapes…

Oh, and one more thing…  they are super easy to use, and they stick to your skin.  Now, I use a small piece of tape to hold them in place, but using your fingers work well too…  and the only reason I use tape or hold them is to  make sure they stay put.

So now you wonder what the verdict on the eyebrow stencils is:  It’s simple..  Stop reading, drop in on Mr.Google and get some for yourself, its well worth every dollar spent.

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